2025-02-07 11:13 - Important! Data download on Dardel: For data downloads on Dardel, please log into the dedicated file transfer node: dardel-ftn01.pdc.kth.se. Do NOT submit data-transfer jobs to the queueing system, run them directly on that node.
2025-02-07 11:11 - NB! Maintenance planned on Thursday February 13th at 10:00-12:00. We will be putting the DDS into maintenance mode as usual, but there will be no new releases. Remember to make sure that any uploads / downloads are finished by 10 AM on Thursday Feb 13th. We apologize for the slight delay in sending this information.
2025-01-24 14:42 - We've been informed by our cloud provider that there will be maintenance twice a week for the coming three weeks: January 29th and 30th, and February 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th. This will happen between 6-8 AM. The DDS should not be affected, but cannot be guaranteed. We will not set the DDS to maintenance mode during these maintenance windows; You can continue using the DDS as usual. Please inform support if you're experiencing any issues.
The Data Delivery System (DDS) is a cloud-based system for the delivery of data from SciLifeLab platforms to their users. It consists of a command line interface (CLI) and a web interface. The web interface will be improved on as soon as possible.
SciLifeLab is a national resource, providing multiple unique technologies and expertise to life scientists in Sweden.
When a service or platform processes a project for a research group, large quantities of data can be generated. The Data Delivery System (DDS) is a system designed for the simple and secure delivery of this data from SciLifeLab platforms to their users.
The DDS uses cloud computing object-storage, provided by Safespring to store the data ready for download. The delivery system has built-in encryption and key management for highly secure yet user-friendly access to your data.